The Algem® software continually receives and records data from the Algem® photobioreactor. This data is normally only accessible via the computer that is connected to the Algem®. However, following this step-by-step guide, the use of file-syncing software enables remote-viewing of live data. In this guide, the software being used is Dropbox®. This approach, however, can be adapted for alternative file-syncing software. It is important to understand that a single folder is created in a designated DropBox account. If your Algem system has multiple users it will be necessary to have a shared DropBox account where individual user results are organized within folders internal to the Algem folder within DropBox.
Before you start:
It will be necessary for you to have administrative rights to install Dropbox and/or enter command prompt menu as an administrator to complete this setup. If you do not have administrative rights to the computer you are using, you should seek support from your relevant IT department staff or resource.
1) Install the DropBox program on the computer to which an Algem is connected.
This will create a Dropbox folder on the computer. Any files of folders placed into this Dropbox folder will be accessible from any other computer which has the Dropbox software installed via a user logon. The default location of this Dropbox folder is “C:\Users\<useraccount>\Dropbox”
2) Cut and paste the Algem 1.4 folder (Found in directory “C:\ProgramData\Algenuity”), into the Dropbox folder.
a) Make sure no experiments with the Algem are running during this operation.
b) It is probably easier and safer to copy and paste initially, but then to go back to the ProgramData directory and delete after the folder has been safely pasted into the Dropbox folder.
c) Some computers will designate the ProgramData folders as C:\ProgramData (x86).
3) Create a symbolic link of the Algem 1.4 folder pasted into Dropbox to the “C:\ProgramData\Algenuity” directory.
A symbolic link:
a) Looks the same as, and has a very similar in function to, a standard windows shortcut. When you click on the link it will take you to the Algem 1.4 folder in Dropbox.
b) It is used so that the Algem software saves its results into the Dropbox folder, even though it thinks it is saving to its usual “ProgramData/Algenuity” folder.
To make a symbolic link:
a) Enter “command” in your start menu search, right-click on Command Prompt, and select “Run as administrator”.
b) Enter the following command into the Command Prompt window:
mklink /J "C:\ProgramData\Algenuity\Algem 1.4" "<Directory of dropbox folder>”
For Example: mklink /J "C:\ProgramData\Algenuity\Algem 1.4" "C:\Users\User\Dropbox"
c) This message will apprear in the window:
“Junction created for C:\ProgramData\Algenuity\Algem 1.4 <<===>> C:\Users\User\Dropbox\
Algem 1.4”
You will notice a shortcut icon named “Algem 1.4” within the “C:\ProgramData\Algenuity” folder. This will link to the contents of the DropBox folder.
4) Set up Dropbox & Algem software on a second computer to remotely view the Algem data.
After installing the DropBox and Algem® software on the second computer, and logging into Dropbox on that computer, open the Algem 1.4 software and, within the Results window, navigate to the “Dropbox/Algem 1.4/Temp” folder. In this folder, the files contain results which are being updated regularly when an experiment is running and the different reactors running will be displayed in the Results window